Eyelash Extensions in Hendersonville

If you have been frustrated in the past with your eyelashes, wishing they were longer, fuller, and more defined, Sun Room & Spa LLC’s eyelash extensions are the best local solution. Our salon in Hendersonville is the best in the area for customized eyelash extensions for all clients. We have been in business for years, helping clients feel more confident in their eyelashes. Don’t worry about adding mascara or makeup to your eyelashes again – just have beautiful extensions that will last.

To take your eyelashes to the next level, book a consultation at (828) 252-1100 with one of our experienced beauticians.

What Are Eyelash Extensions?

Eyelash extensions are different than simple fake lashes. They are not removable but are instead semi-permanent lashes that are hand-glued on top of your natural lashes to give you a more natural and long-lasting result. Each fake eyelash hair is glued individually to an actual hair, meaning that they will only last as long as your natural eyelashes – or about 6 to 8 weeks.

This means you can have more natural and attractive eyelashes for almost two months, taking away any need for makeup or applying fake lashes before you start your day. To learn more about our eyelash extension process, reach out to our team today!

The Best Eyelash Professionals

We are proud to have a team of experienced eyelash specialists who can offer consistent results every time you get the procedure done. We have many types of lashes that can match the color and style you want, and our professionals are experts at attaching them to your lashes safely and securely. We ensure that our service is perfect every time as we look to offer results that will last as long as possible for you.

To learn about how our specialists can help with your lashes and to get customized solutions that will match everything you’re looking for, give us a call!

Affordable Eyelash Extensions

When you’re looking for a salon to regularly get your eyelashes extended, you need to know that they will look after you at affordable rates. At our salon, we believe in giving our clients incredible results that they can feel happy with, both because of the beauty and the return on investment. To do this, we ensure that our lash extensions are always efficient, long-lasting, and precise.

You shouldn’t have to pay for any excess time, materials, or more frequent appointments. That’s how we save you money. Since you won’t have to pay for fake lashes or so much makeup, you’ll save money there too.

To learn about our rates for our various lash extension services, contact us!

Contact The Leading Eyelash Spa

If you’re looking to improve your eyelashes with a reliable, long-lasting, and safe cosmetic procedure, Sun Room & Spa LLC’s eyelash extension service is the best option. We’re Hendersonville’s top beauty salon, and we’ll give you outstanding results every time. Reach out to us at (828) 252-1100 to book your eyelash extension appointment!